Overview: There is a checksum bug in JetMouse Garmin Keygen (a.k.a. Garmin Unlock Generator) versions 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 which generate invalid unlock codes for some map IDs such as 2040 to 2047. Download my program from post #1. It has a good JM keygen.
I know how to unlock the maps using all the linked utilities on this forum and they work just fine. I would thank you profusely but you won't allow me to! I was just wondering if you experts could give me some inside info into using the sdCard ID. Otherwise what is the point in finding it out if I can't use it?
Dnr Garmin Download Software
Is the 8 digit number in hex code? Because the unlock code is 25 digits, right? So do I need to plug this number (in 10 digit decimal - same as the gps id) into the JetMouse keygen and use the generated number in the.unl file. I am sure this stuff is intuitive to you guys but it is a complete mystery to me. Sure, I understand I don't NEED to use it with your easy unlocking software but. Otherwise, what is the point of discovering the sd card ID using the above software? Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I don't like just blindly using a solution, I prefer to understand it.